Collaboration is Key, Collaboration is Everywhere

               It never seems to dawn on people how much we actually collaborate in life.

              From someone asking a random person on the street how to get somewhere, to two coworkers strenuously working to get their work done for their boss. Collaborations can come in big situations and teeny tiny situations.
All the stings are working together to form one product. Collaboration!

               Many people do not like collaboration, however (or simply, cannot work for that long around other people). Ever work in group in high school? College? Did you enjoy it? Did every single person in your group really enjoy it, or did they seem too, but were actually crying on the inside? I’m betting it was the latter. Many people, myself included, don’t enjoy collaborative work. Or perhaps they just don’t like the people they work with. For me, not knowing my group members makes me nervous because I never know what they’re capable of. They could be less engaged as me, but they could also be so far ahead of me that I am confused the entire time I work with them. For others, the stimulations is just overwhelming.
Check out this video about the power of different personalities in group work!
               When you collaborate (have shared intentional goals), it can be difficult to work with others, but you should constantly try to remind yourself of just that: you all have shared intentional goals and you’re working together for many reasons. And then you can think about that episode of Netflix that you cannot wait to watch once you get home.

               Until next time,

Shannon Washington


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