Algorithms are weird. Algorithms are cool. Algorithms are all around us, even if we don't realize it.
What is an algorithm you ask? Let's start with a few definitions:
"An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions for getting something done to serve humans, whether that something is making a decision, solving a problem, or getting from point A to point B (or point Z). " (Daly, Humans are Social Media)
What is an algorithm you ask? Let's start with a few definitions:
"An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions for getting something done to serve humans, whether that something is making a decision, solving a problem, or getting from point A to point B (or point Z). " (Daly, Humans are Social Media)
Can you think of any algorithms you use on a daily basis? How about the process of showering in the morning? Brushing your teeth? Even putting on your shoes or logging on to your computer. Even if the steps are short, it's still an algorithm. Of course, algorithms are usually thought of in more complex manners. For example, when coding, there's a term "loop" which is an algorithm for the computer to repeat until something else happens. If you want the read through a file and say "while this variable I made equal to zero is less then 10 (and increases by one each time the loop is run), change the first letter of a random with to ':D', that's an algorithm. It tells the computer/this program how exactly to do said instruction, line by line.
Algorithms can be implemented and observed in every way of life, you just have to look for them!
Happy hunting!
flickr creative commons: martintom |
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