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Let’s get one thing straight:

Steve Jobs was a massive dick.

I had read about this somewhere else before reading The New Yorkers “The Tweaker” about Jobs, but the amount of detail of evidence that this article had about Jobs and the way he treated people literally made me hate him. It’s always surprising to people when they find out an ‘icon’ was actually not so nice. Ever seen Harry Potter? Everyone thought Severus Snape was the bully but spoiler alert: it was James Potter. We idolize these people and we tend to assume the best of them, but we don’t know anything about them, the people closest to them do. And the people in this article showed us who Jobs really was.

Jobs wanted to monopolize the tech industry; he thought that anyone with a mere idea similar to his was stealing from him. He didn’t want anyone messing with his inventions or making something that’s completely different than what he made aside from one or two similar ideas (i.e Windows or Android). It’s as if he thought he was the only one who could be creative in the tech industry. Maybe someone had the idea before him, but he just got there first. It’s just so frustrating to see people act like they’re better than others because they did it first. Who cares; he may have done it first, but I think Android and Windows did it better. First doesn’t mean the best. And knowing that this was how he acted makes me never want to buy an Apple product (although I probably wasn’t going to anyway).


  1. Wow this is really interesting, I had heard that Steve Jobs was not a very nice guy but in this interview, he is definitely very rude. He does not seem to like the idea of collaboration, and definitely wants himself to be the face of apple and nothing else. I like how you added that you would probably still buy an apple product, I feel the same way because apple products are so easy to use and it would be so hard to switch over, even though I would rather support someone like Bill Gates.

    1. Thank you!
      And I am actually an avid Android user/Windows, this information makes me not want to buy Apple products even more, actually! I'm not too much of a fan of the simplicity of Apple products, it's a little too plain for me, personally. But I also do programming and no one should try to program on a MAC haha.

      Thanks for the comment!


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